Saturday, August 31, 2019

High-Risk Family Assessment and Health Promotion Essay

High-Risk Families A high-risk family is a family unit that is at an increased risk for emotional, intellectual, or developmental problem because of the type of environment or circumstances that is occurring within the family unit. Adults and children that are involved in these high-risk family units are at a higher risk to develop problems, both physically and emotionally. There are many indicators for early detection of risk factors: neighborhood environment, poverty, poor kept homes, characteristics of adults present in the home, marital problems, and child neglect. There are many programs and interventions that can be implemented to try to change the negative effects and ensure a positive outcome within the family unit. History of Teen Pregnancy According to Furstenberg, Brooks-Gunn & Chase-Lansdale (1989), in an article titled Teenaged Pregnancy and Childbearing, teen pregnancy did not become prevalent until the 1960s. Two changes occurred contributing to the increase in teenage pregnancies: 1.) an increase in sexual activity of young girls and 2.) a decrease in the number of teenage marriages. By the 1980s over half of white females and three-fourths of black females were sexually active by the age of 18 (Furstenberg, Brooks-Gunn & Chase-Lansdale, 1989). Contraception was not regularly used when having sexual relations, and many of these females became pregnant during their teen years. Furstenberg, Brooks-Gunn & Chase-Lansdale (1989), also continue to say that compared to the number of unmarried teenage females in 1950 the females of 1980s were two-thirds white and almost 97% black single females. Also, 40% of these teenage pregnancies would end with abortion, and that the younger teenagers would have more abortions. A pre gnant teenager has many decisions to make regarding her future: 1.) future schooling 2.) relationship with the  baby’s father 3.) family’s support 4.) peer’s support. Summary of the Health Profile of a Pregnant Teen The risk of some teenagers getting pregnant is high in some circumstances. There are many life situations that place teenage girls at a risk of becoming pregnant. These may include poor school performance, sexual abuse, poverty, being raised by a single parent household, having a mother who was an teenager mother, or having a sister who has become pregnant at a young age. According to Saewyc, Magee & Pettingell, (2004) the risk of a teenager getting pregnant is increased if that teenager has been sexually abused. The pregnancy is because they have been sexually abused they have a feeling of powerlessness which can lead to impairment when it comes to using a contraceptive (Saewyc, Magee & Pettingell, 2004). Also, if the teenager has been sexually abused then they may have a higher chance of substance abuse and running away from home (Saewyc, Magee & Pettingell, 2004). Substance abuse can lead the risk for multiple partners, unprotected sex, and turning to sex work in order to support their habit. Many teenagers feel that they are under pressure to have sexual relations. Peer pressure, bullying, and teasing by friends can lead to sexual intercourse at a much earlier age. Also, being allowed to date at an early age can lead to pregnancy, especially if the individual they are sleeping with refuses to use contraception. There are many social and cultural changes that have occurred regarding dating. Getting to know a person over a long period, or courting, is no longer part of dating. Couples now move onto physical relationships much quicker, and sex is part of the relationship. Poor education and low achievement levels in school can lead to unwanted pregnancies. Teenagers who drop out of school are more likely to become pregnant and not complete their education. Teens that get pregnant tend to come from more disadvantaged families than those who do not become pregnant. Being of lower income contributes to a low hope of possible financial success which usually leads to choices of short-term contentment, having a  baby while they are young and unmarried. Orem’s Self-Care Model Dorothea Orem published the Concepts of Nursing in 1971 and the sixth publication in 2001. According to Sitzman & Eichelberger, (2011), â€Å"Orem’s Self-Care Model describes a structure where the nurse assists the client, as needed, to maintain an adequate level of self-care. The degree of nursing care and interventions depend on the degree to which the client is able (or unable) to meet self-care needs† (p. 96). Orem’s general theory is in three parts: 1.) theory of self-care 2.) theory of self-care deficit 3.) theory of nursing system (Chitty, 2005, p. 283). The theory of self-care focuses on patient’s self-care capacities. The theory of self-care deficits specifies when nursing care is needed. Orem identifies five methods of helping: 1.) acting for and doing for others 2.) guiding others 3.) supporting others 4.) providing an environment promoting personal development in relations to meeting future demands 5.) teaching another (Orem, 2001 as cited in M asters, 2011, p. 183). The theory of nursing system describes the responsibilities and roles of the nurse and patient, the reason for the nurse-patient relationship, and the types of interventions needed to be provided to meet the patient’s needs. The theoretical framework of Orem’s theory as it relates to the metaparadigm for nursing is based on the person, a nurse, environment, and health. Nursing is the ability to assist patients to provide and manage self-care to improve and maintain human function at some level. Health is not only taking care of the body but is also how a person performs with daily activities of living and progressing toward higher levels of functioning. Environment includes four features: 1.) physical 2.) chemical 3.) biological 4.) social (Orem, 2001 as cited in Masters, 2011, p. 183). The environment has an impact on the individual’s health and well-being. Finally, persons are human beings who are different from other living beings. Human beings can reflect, symbolize, and use symbols. The person is a patient whom the nurse cares for. Orem’s theory can be applied to all three levels of prevention: primary, secondary, and tertiary. Every person needing nursing care has requirements at the primary level of prevention. Secondary prevention is required after the onset of illness and is directed toward reducing complications and disability. Tertiary care is appropriate when functioning is limited. Dorothea Orem’s  theory provides a widespread foundation to the nursing practice and is specific to when nursing care is needed. Orem’s theory can be applied can be applied to various age groups including teenage mothers of newborns. The self-care deficit theory of nursing is useful with teenage mothers of newborns. The theory will focus on the strengths and/or weaknesses of the individual. Methods of help and interventions include teaching, guiding, and providing for and/or maintaining direction in an environment that supports personal development. Healthy People 2020 Objectives According to Healthy People 2020 goals are to improve pregnancy planning and spacing, and prevent unintended pregnancy. Reducing pregnancies among adolescent females aged 15 to 17 years, reducing the number of pregnancies conceived within 18 months of a previous birth, increasing the number of both males and females who have never had sexual intercourse, increasing the number of sexually active persons who use condoms to both effectively prevent pregnancy and provide barrier protection against disease, and increase the number of adolescents who received formal instruction on reproductive health topics before they are 18 years old are all applicable objectives related to teenage pregnancy (â€Å"Family planning,†). There are many nursing interventions that are applicable for prevention of teen pregnancies. Nursing education that includes teaching about contraception, abstinence, and having schools administer condoms through the health office. Interventions can also include designing and presenting programs that includes parent-teen communication with their parent(s), while promoting abstinence and the proper use of contraception. According to Furstenberg, Brooks-Gunn & Chase-Lansdale (1989) there have been efforts made to prevent teen pregnancies. According to the Panel on Adolescent Pregnancy and Childbearing primary prevention, delaying sexual activity, and using contraception is where all efforts should be focused on for prevention (Furstenberg, Brooks-Gunn & Chase-Lansdale, 1989). Primary prevention programs include: 1.) educating teens about sexuality and contraception 2.) changing attitudes about early sexual involvement and 3) providing contraceptives and family planning (Furstenberg, Brooks-Gunn & Chase-Lansdale, 1989). Role of the Advanced Practice Nurse as a Case Manager Advanced Practice Nurses have the education, training, and skills to perform many of the primary-care duties performed by physicians. Advanced Practice Nurse Case Manager carries out advanced practice functions and develops functions that help to achieve the best results for the client through valuable interactions with clients. The Advanced Practice Nurse will manage and coordinate care for the pregnant teenagers and their families, provide health education, teach self-care behaviors, and offer psychosocial counseling and support, assess the efficacy of the health care system, and assist and monitor improvement ideas of the health care system. Conclusion Teenage pregnancy has been a major problem facing our children since the 1950s. Teen parents are less likely to finish school, more likely to live in poverty, more likely to have babies with low-birth weights and more likely to have children who become teenage mothers themselves. The goals of the health educator should include changing the behavior, providing counseling services, primary and preventative health care, and family educations. For the future, all teens should be aware of the risks involved of sexual intercourse and be educated on the ways to prevent pregnancies. Reference Chitty, K. K. (2005). Professional nursing, concepts & challenges. W B Saunders Co. Family planning. (n.d.). Retrieved from Furstenberg, F. F., Jr., Brooks-Gunn, J., & Chase-Lansdale, L. (1989). Teenaged pregnancy and childbearing. American Psychologist, 44(2), 313-320. doi: Masters, K. (2011). Nursing theories, a framework for professional practice. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers. Saewyc, E. M., Magee, L. L., & Pettingell, S. E. (2004). Teenage pregnancy and associated risk behaviors among sexually abused adolescents. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 36(3), Retrieved from Sitzman, K., & Eichelberger, L. W. (2011). Understanding the work of nurse theorists, a creative beginning (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Mini was a little girl, who was unusually fond of conversations Essay

Mini was a little girl, who was unusually fond of conversations. She had a makeshift mind that moved between various topics within her scope. Although she was young, she could start a conversation with people double or even triple her age. Eventually she became friends with Rahamat, an Afghani money lender, whom she fondly called Kabuliwala. It was a delight to watch the two banter. Rahamat, was a tall, bearded man, who carried a sack on his shoulders while Mini was a tiny little girl who would chatter all the way. Initially Mini, was afraid of interacting with him, because she believed that Rahamat abducted little children in his sack. But Rahamat, because of his obvious fondness for the little girl, broke the ice, by presenting some raisins and apricots from his bag. Mini came from an aristocratic Bengali family and Rahamat was just an ordinary fruit peddler from Kabul yet it seemed like they were close chums. The two friends had a few stock phrases and jokes which were repeated in their conversations. For example, the moment she saw Rahamat, she would ask with a hearty laugh, ‘Kabuliwala, O Kabuliwala, what is in your sack?’ Adding an unnecessary nasal tone to the word, Rahamat would roar, ‘Hanti.’ The essence of the joke was that the man had an elephant in his sack. Not that the joke was very witty, but it caused the two friends to double up in laughter, and the sight of that innocent joy between a little girl and a grown man on autumn mornings used to move Mini’s father deeply. However Mini’s mother wasn’t too pleased with the growing friendship between Rahamat and her daughter and often nagged Mini’s father to keep an eye on him. One fine day, her worries came true; when Rahamat was arrested on charges of stabbing a man because the man had denied the debt he owed Rahamat, in the heat of the argument. Rahamat was in the midst of hurling abuse in an obscene language at the dishonest man when Mini came running out of the house, shouting, ‘Kabuliwala, O Kabuliwala.’ In a flash, Rahamat’s face was filled with expressions of happiness. Innocently Mini asked him, ‘Will you be going to your in-laws’ house?’ ‘That’s exactly where I am going,’ Rahamat replied with a laugh. When he noticed that Mini did not find the answer quite amusing, he pointed to his hands and added in his heavily accented, broken Bengali, ‘I would have beaten up the in-law. But what can I do, my hands are tied up.’ Charged with grievous injury, Rahamat was sent to jail for several years. That was the last time that Mini saw him and quite child-likely forgot all about him as she grew up. Several years passed. Mini’s wedding match had been fixed. On the day of the wedding, her father was busy looking at the wedding accounts when a man appeared before him, he had no bag, nor the long hair, nor the same vigour that he used to have. But he smiled, and Mini’s father knew it was Rahamat. Mini’s father knew what he had come for. But he refused to allow him to meet Mini as he thought that it would be bad omen. Disappointed he put his hand inside his big loose robe, and brought out a small and dirty piece of paper. With great care he unfolded this, and smoothed it out with both hands on my table. It bore the impression of a little band. Not a photograph. Not a drawing. The impression of an ink-smeared hand laid flat on the paper. This touch of his own little daughter had been always on his heart, as he had come year after year to Calcutta, to sell his wares in the streets. Tears came to Mini’s father’s eyes. He forgot that he was a poor Kabuli fruit-seller, while he was nothing more than he. He also was a father. That impression of the hand of his little daughter in her distant mountain home reminded him of his own little Mini. When Rahamat saw Mini after all these years, he staggered. He could not revive their old friendship. At last he smiled and said: â€Å"Little one, are you going to your father-in-law’s house?† But Mini now understood the meaning of the word â€Å"father-in-law,† and she could not reply to him as of old. She flushed up at the question, and stood before him with her bride-like face turned down. Mini’s father deeply touched by what had just happened gave Rahamat, enough money to go back and see his own daughter in Afghanistan. Having done this, he had to cut down on some of the marriage festivity costs, but to him the wedding feast was all the brighter for the thought that in a distant land a long-lost father met again with his only child.

Thursday, August 29, 2019


In legal terms, during the later portion of the nineteenth century, â€Å"at will† termination, whether initiated by employer or employee, came into focus in the United States. Simply because a person desires to disassociate oneself with the business, whatever it is, for whatever reason, whenever one chooses, is fine and acceptable. This doctrine exists because it is presumed to exhibit and respect freedom from contract. It applies to the all of â€Å"U. S† except the state of Montana primarily because of the belief that employee and employer prefers employment relationship to be â€Å"At Will† instead of Job security (NCSC, 2014).In the following pages I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments and common sense; and have no other preliminaries to settle with the reader, other than that he will divest himself of prejudice and prepossession, and suffer his reason and his feelings to determine for themselves; that he will put on, or rather that he will not put off, the true character of a man, and generously enlarge his views beyond the present day-? Thomas Paine, Common Sense† (Paine, 1779), (Grotto, 1995).In other words we can debate claims and notions that employment-at-will is all about exacting a contract of redeem and respect, but, wholeheartedly agree, truthfully, that the optimistic picture of equality and freedom is tainted by the continuing subordination and discrimination imposed primarily by employers. Summarization: Employment – At – Will Doctrine The employment-at-will doctrine avows that, when an employee does not have a written employment contract and the term of employment is of indefinite duration, the employer can terminate the employee for good cause, bad cause, or no cause at all (Mull, 2001).The genesis of this ill-fated relationship began to taking shape when employees started to unionize work efforts and initiatives, albeit for a good cause; employees were at the mercy of employer discr etion. The sass gave employees a voice to dispel wrongful actions perpetrated against them, whether it was wrongful discharge based on race, religion, sex, age, and national origin, certain Federal legislative protections, and Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act was available to defend. (Mull, 2001). Allowable Exceptions to Legally Fire. The recognition of employment as being central to a person's livelihood and well-being, coupled with the fear of being unable to rotate a person's livelihood from unjust termination, led to the development of common-law, or Judicial, exceptions to the employment-at-will doctrine beginning in the late sass. † (Mull, 2001) Much of what was contained in the original employment-at-will doctrine developed exceptions that did not fully materialize until the sass. However, have since become subject to erosive statutory and common-law protections all levied against wrongful discharge actions taken by an employer.In certain instances, the â€Å"at- will† dismissal of an employee by his or her employer is halted. There are three established exceptions widely upheld. The first of these is public- policy exception, under which, wrongful discharge is factual if an employee is terminated because he or she files a workers' compensation claim following a Job related injury, or say the employee is expected to break the law based on an employer's request. These acts infringe upon adopted public policy of the particular state.The first case was held in 1959, in California, involving the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and an employee fired because he refused to perjure testimony under oath, as requested. Courts struggled then and continue so, with the meaning of public policy. Some courts in various states found the term â€Å"public policy' vague. The definition differs; limits may include exclusion to clearly defined statements in the constitution or statues, or â€Å"public policy is defined to allow Judges rights to d etermine it a state's public policy locally or beyond.Secondly, when terms agreeable to an employer and an employee exchange verbal or written in some form to express terms of security or other procedures, it constitutes an implied contract exception. The employer through conversation and planning implied that if certain actions are carried out then you will remain here or etc. A common occurrence in the recent past was courts finding that the contents and representations made in employee handbooks could create an implied contract, absent a clear and express waiver that the guidelines and policies in such did not create contract rights. Mull, 2001) â€Å"The third exception is titled covenant-of-good- and-fair-dealing exception. Rather than narrowly prohibiting terminations based on public policy or an implied contract, this exception-?at its broadest-?reads a event of good faith and fair dealing into every employment relationship. â€Å"(Mull, 2001). A termination may become subj ect to interpretations. An employer's decisions motivated by malice are not permissible; done so in bad faith, and thus subject to answering a charge to show â€Å"Just cause†.By 2001, this exception was only recognized by eleven states. Decision and Reasoning to Limit Liability and Impact Operations. Granted when an employee is â€Å"off duty', on his own time, the doctrine offers protection that disallows termination, for what is perceived as unlawful engagement into activities. But, there is an exception to this ruling as well. It states that an employer can basically dictate what activity lawful is and what is not, when it is reasonable related to employment and responsibilities (NCSC, 2014).Therefore, both John and Ellen committed acts worthy of termination when they violated the statue as defined, John, by posting a rant against an important company customer, and Ellen, when she began a blob that protested the Coo's bonus. Retaliation provides that employees may engage in proper, legal, necessary, or desirable activity without being fired in retaliation by their employer (NCSC, 2014). Neither Jim in his email soliciting support of others to protest a situation involving a perceived injustice, nor the accounting department secretaries physical stance in protest against a perceived injustice have legal grounding for terminations.In defense of the employer, Employment-At-Will Doctrine holds no exception that can prevent the company employing Bill from effecting his termination. Joe, having threatened the company with suit for invasion of his privacy is not protected against wrongful discharge under the common law exception of public-policy. The exception allows effusing to break the law at the request of the employer, Joe instead was disciplined for use of company property, to discredit a customer, albeit from his personal account, he also used company time.Joe received the lesser of what could have resulted in Justifiable termination. On the other hand, the department supervisor is covered under this common law exception of public-policy. To terminate this person the company is poised for legal liability actions. Anna did not choose to participate on a Jury team, she was appointed to do so by the courts. The common law exception f public policy offers Anna protection against termination from employment during her absence for Jury duty; her boss has no choice in the matter except to comply.Position Recommendation; Pros and Cons of Whistle Blower Policy â€Å"Whistle blowing is the terminology that defines the actions of organization employees to bring attention to the wrongdoings happening in the organization. A whistle blowing policy by an organization is a step by the higher level management to keep account of all the happenings in its organization which can possibly cause harm to the organizations. It has become extremely important for large-scale organization to have a whistle blowing policy because it is almost impossibl e for them to be aware of the complete happening at all levels of their organization. (Dolomite, 2012) In any organization it is imperative to have in place a mechanism by which all know negative matters can and will be resolved. The basic mechanics are already established; the organization is Just fine tuning it for ownership. It should be simple, easy to follow, and ably proven highly effective. Ethical Theory supports willingness to get involved or the greater good of the largest population (Halberd & Inguinal, 2012).Based on that greater good recommendation is that: the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) form a roundtable steering group comprised of level one, two, and three management and leadership staff to draft a whistle blower policy that, is concise with clear written instructions easily understood, and ensures not a lengthy process (Halberd & Inguinal, 2012) will develop a training program; help employees accept the process and understand it is not about tattling, but more so, building an organizational inundation where each is holding the other accountable (Halberd & Inguinal, 2012) defines the procedures through which an individual will report; develop strict response times for investigation and resolution (Halberd & Inguinal, 2012) The CEO has the burden to set an environment that invites a high level of integrity, accountability, and transparency. When the drafts have gone through legal for lawful compliance review, the CEO and the steering group should hold information sitting for all employees to introduce the new Whistle Blower Policy as a fresh start for all toward ethical, relational, and success values. Further recommend considerations to create a position that oversees training, compliance, reporting, and resolution.Finally, recommend the CEO become visible and canvas the different areas, inquire to come to know the people, to invite genuine feedback, find out what is going on, where are issues of concerns. The CEO will do well to focus attent ion to follow-through on any issues shared while out among workers, and to stay abreast of actions pursued by the steering group; make certain they are addressed as the policy is developed. Fundamentals and Rationale of a Whistle Blower Policy. There are critical elements that ensure proper follow-through of any claim from a whistler's. Integrity is the key of what is disclosed, to who disclosed, and the method that address the issue presented. This policy is instituted to assist those who choose to question what does not appear correct and in accordance with known practice.The first of three fundamental elements critical to assurance of a Whistle Blower Policy effectiveness provides that, where an individual discloses in good faith, not for malicious or for personal gain, some indiscretion of public interest, they are retorted from factorization, harassment or disciplinary action. Secondly, the issue disclosed will be thoroughly investigated to include interviews of all persons inv olved. Third, every effort is made to protect the identity of the individual making the disclosure. Employment In legal terms, during the later portion of the nineteenth century, â€Å"at will† termination, whether initiated by employer or employee, came into focus in the United States. Simply because a person desires to disassociate oneself with the business, whatever it is, for whatever reason, whenever one chooses, is fine and acceptable. This doctrine exists because it is presumed to exhibit and respect freedom from contract. It applies to the all of â€Å"U. S† except the state of Montana primarily because of the belief that employee and employer prefers employment relationship to be â€Å"At Will† instead of Job security (NCSC, 2014).In the following pages I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments and common sense; and have no other preliminaries to settle with the reader, other than that he will divest himself of prejudice and prepossession, and suffer his reason and his feelings to determine for themselves; that he will put on, or rather that he will not put off, the true character of a man, and generously enlarge his views beyond the present day-? Thomas Paine, Common Sense† (Paine, 1779), (Grotto, 1995).In other words we can debate claims and notions that employment-at-will is all about exacting a contract of redeem and respect, but, wholeheartedly agree, truthfully, that the optimistic picture of equality and freedom is tainted by the continuing subordination and discrimination imposed primarily by employers. Summarization: Employment – At – Will Doctrine The employment-at-will doctrine avows that, when an employee does not have a written employment contract and the term of employment is of indefinite duration, the employer can terminate the employee for good cause, bad cause, or no cause at all (Mull, 2001).The genesis of this ill-fated relationship began to taking shape when employees started to unionize work efforts and initiatives, albeit for a good cause; employees were at the mercy of employer discr etion. The sass gave employees a voice to dispel wrongful actions perpetrated against them, whether it was wrongful discharge based on race, religion, sex, age, and national origin, certain Federal legislative protections, and Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act was available to defend. (Mull, 2001). Allowable Exceptions to Legally Fire. The recognition of employment as being central to a person's livelihood and well-being, coupled with the fear of being unable to rotate a person's livelihood from unjust termination, led to the development of common-law, or Judicial, exceptions to the employment-at-will doctrine beginning in the late sass. † (Mull, 2001) Much of what was contained in the original employment-at-will doctrine developed exceptions that did not fully materialize until the sass. However, have since become subject to erosive statutory and common-law protections all levied against wrongful discharge actions taken by an employer.In certain instances, the â€Å"at- will† dismissal of an employee by his or her employer is halted. There are three established exceptions widely upheld. The first of these is public- policy exception, under which, wrongful discharge is factual if an employee is terminated because he or she files a workers' compensation claim following a Job related injury, or say the employee is expected to break the law based on an employer's request. These acts infringe upon adopted public policy of the particular state.The first case was held in 1959, in California, involving the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and an employee fired because he refused to perjure testimony under oath, as requested. Courts struggled then and continue so, with the meaning of public policy. Some courts in various states found the term â€Å"public policy' vague. The definition differs; limits may include exclusion to clearly defined statements in the constitution or statues, or â€Å"public policy is defined to allow Judges rights to d etermine it a state's public policy locally or beyond.Secondly, when terms agreeable to an employer and an employee exchange verbal or written in some form to express terms of security or other procedures, it constitutes an implied contract exception. The employer through conversation and planning implied that if certain actions are carried out then you will remain here or etc. A common occurrence in the recent past was courts finding that the contents and representations made in employee handbooks could create an implied contract, absent a clear and express waiver that the guidelines and policies in such did not create contract rights. Mull, 2001) â€Å"The third exception is titled covenant-of-good- and-fair-dealing exception. Rather than narrowly prohibiting terminations based on public policy or an implied contract, this exception-?at its broadest-?reads a event of good faith and fair dealing into every employment relationship. â€Å"(Mull, 2001). A termination may become subj ect to interpretations. An employer's decisions motivated by malice are not permissible; done so in bad faith, and thus subject to answering a charge to show â€Å"Just cause†.By 2001, this exception was only recognized by eleven states. Decision and Reasoning to Limit Liability and Impact Operations. Granted when an employee is â€Å"off duty', on his own time, the doctrine offers protection that disallows termination, for what is perceived as unlawful engagement into activities. But, there is an exception to this ruling as well. It states that an employer can basically dictate what activity lawful is and what is not, when it is reasonable related to employment and responsibilities (NCSC, 2014).Therefore, both John and Ellen committed acts worthy of termination when they violated the statue as defined, John, by posting a rant against an important company customer, and Ellen, when she began a blob that protested the Coo's bonus. Retaliation provides that employees may engage in proper, legal, necessary, or desirable activity without being fired in retaliation by their employer (NCSC, 2014). Neither Jim in his email soliciting support of others to protest a situation involving a perceived injustice, nor the accounting department secretaries physical stance in protest against a perceived injustice have legal grounding for terminations.In defense of the employer, Employment-At-Will Doctrine holds no exception that can prevent the company employing Bill from effecting his termination. Joe, having threatened the company with suit for invasion of his privacy is not protected against wrongful discharge under the common law exception of public-policy. The exception allows effusing to break the law at the request of the employer, Joe instead was disciplined for use of company property, to discredit a customer, albeit from his personal account, he also used company time.Joe received the lesser of what could have resulted in Justifiable termination. On the other hand, the department supervisor is covered under this common law exception of public-policy. To terminate this person the company is poised for legal liability actions. Anna did not choose to participate on a Jury team, she was appointed to do so by the courts. The common law exception f public policy offers Anna protection against termination from employment during her absence for Jury duty; her boss has no choice in the matter except to comply.Position Recommendation; Pros and Cons of Whistle Blower Policy â€Å"Whistle blowing is the terminology that defines the actions of organization employees to bring attention to the wrongdoings happening in the organization. A whistle blowing policy by an organization is a step by the higher level management to keep account of all the happenings in its organization which can possibly cause harm to the organizations. It has become extremely important for large-scale organization to have a whistle blowing policy because it is almost impossibl e for them to be aware of the complete happening at all levels of their organization. (Dolomite, 2012) In any organization it is imperative to have in place a mechanism by which all know negative matters can and will be resolved. The basic mechanics are already established; the organization is Just fine tuning it for ownership. It should be simple, easy to follow, and ably proven highly effective. Ethical Theory supports willingness to get involved or the greater good of the largest population (Halberd & Inguinal, 2012).Based on that greater good recommendation is that: the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) form a roundtable steering group comprised of level one, two, and three management and leadership staff to draft a whistle blower policy that, is concise with clear written instructions easily understood, and ensures not a lengthy process (Halberd & Inguinal, 2012) will develop a training program; help employees accept the process and understand it is not about tattling, but more so, building an organizational inundation where each is holding the other accountable (Halberd & Inguinal, 2012) defines the procedures through which an individual will report; develop strict response times for investigation and resolution (Halberd & Inguinal, 2012) The CEO has the burden to set an environment that invites a high level of integrity, accountability, and transparency. When the drafts have gone through legal for lawful compliance review, the CEO and the steering group should hold information sitting for all employees to introduce the new Whistle Blower Policy as a fresh start for all toward ethical, relational, and success values. Further recommend considerations to create a position that oversees training, compliance, reporting, and resolution.Finally, recommend the CEO become visible and canvas the different areas, inquire to come to know the people, to invite genuine feedback, find out what is going on, where are issues of concerns. The CEO will do well to focus attent ion to follow-through on any issues shared while out among workers, and to stay abreast of actions pursued by the steering group; make certain they are addressed as the policy is developed. Fundamentals and Rationale of a Whistle Blower Policy. There are critical elements that ensure proper follow-through of any claim from a whistler's. Integrity is the key of what is disclosed, to who disclosed, and the method that address the issue presented. This policy is instituted to assist those who choose to question what does not appear correct and in accordance with known practice.The first of three fundamental elements critical to assurance of a Whistle Blower Policy effectiveness provides that, where an individual discloses in good faith, not for malicious or for personal gain, some indiscretion of public interest, they are retorted from factorization, harassment or disciplinary action. Secondly, the issue disclosed will be thoroughly investigated to include interviews of all persons inv olved. Third, every effort is made to protect the identity of the individual making the disclosure.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

TM Forum Framework Overview Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

TM Forum Framework Overview - Research Paper Example It is a complete package that introduces improvement and agility in the on going business operations and processes. Considered for transformation of businesses into more effective and manageable forms, this framework is highly appreciated with its more that 700 members worldwide. The main and essential components of this framework include the Business Process Framework (eTOM), Information Framework (SID), Integration Framework (TNA) and Application Framework (TAM). These frameworks are described in the forth coming text below. The initial discussion is about a combined notion named New Generation Operation Support Systems (NGOSS). 2 - What is NGOSS? NGOSS can be thought of as a fully optimized, standardized, comprehensive and customized Operating System that curtails every possible needs of the business industry. Its like business industry’s own operating system that provides an extremely agile and streamlined way to implement the business processes and operations. It is desig ned by TM Forum and includes tools for all the stakeholders of a business. The objective is to introduce optimality and to expand the possible customized yet flexible and low cost solutions for software and Internet based infra structures of the business industry. This can also be considered as a comprehensive guidance system to develop business architecture, processes and maps. ... Figure 1.1 3a. eTOM (Enhanced Telecom Operations Map): The complexities in installing and running a network and the problems of filtering out the best and optimal practices are answered comprehensively through the TM Forum’s enhanced telecom operations map or standard business process framework. â€Å"The eTOM (enhanced telecom Operations Map, published by the TM Forum and the eTOM model describes the full scope of business processes required by a service provider and defines key elements and how they interact.† (Astimen) 3b. SID (Shared Information /Data Model): The information framework provides a standardized model to handle all the information processing needs of an organization. â€Å"SID is a unified reference data model providing a single set of terms for business objects in tele-communication. The objective is to enable people in different departments, companies or geographical locations to use the same term to describe the same real world objects, practices an d relationships.† (Astimen) 3c. TAM (Telecom Application Map): This application framework is designed to streamline the Business Support Systems (BSS) and Operation Support Systems (OSS) of an organization by providing a standard way of description and grouping of processes and functions. â€Å"TAM is one of the primary NGOSS artifact. It considers the role and functionality of the various applications that deliver OSS and BSS capability. Structured along the similar lines to other TM Forum NGOSS artifacts: the process framework – the eTOM and the information framework – the SID, it is presented in a similar layered and vertical structures.† (Astimen) 3d. TNA (Technology Neutral Architecture): This integration framework (NGOSS – TNA) defines

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Criminal Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Criminal Justice - Essay Example (Bassiouni 34) It is not possible for a justice system to have all people accused of committing a crime get a free trial or vice versa. It is not easy to have absolute justice or free trial and getting the opposite maybe a little easier. But we can use the parameter of the percentage of free trials conducted against the unfair trials to determine if it is possible for a crime suspect to get a fair hearing. In my opinion, it is possible for a person accused of crime to get a free trial in the United States and I think a majority actually do. Whether a crime suspect gets a free trial depends on the following requirements. A free trial requires: All parties involved in a criminal trial have the right to examine all the witnesses. Everyone is entitled to examine or have examined the witnesses under the same conditions. The crime suspect should have unlimited right to obtain the compulsory attendance of witnesses and under similar conditions of the prosecution side. In free trial the most examined specific guarantee is the right of the criminal to be provided with legal counsel. (Planck 3)The person accused of crime should also be able to communicate with his or her legal counsel. It is also important that a fair balance is struck between the amount and availability of legal counsel to parties to the case. The suspect should get the same amount of legal counsel as the prosecution side. In the American justice system, if a suspect cannot afford an attorney, one is provided for by the state. So as to avoid arbitrariness and bias that can potentially arise from a criminal trial, the proceedings should be conducted by a competent and neutral judge. The institutions in charge of the proceedings should also have the same principles and characteristics. (Bassiouni 34) In my opinion the American justice system fulfils the above requirements needed for a fair trial to a person suspected of a crime. This position is however not absolute since

Week four Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Week four - Essay Example Nurses are constantly encouraged to seek new knowledge. They also tend to base their practices where patients are concerned about evidence. Nurses also characteristically position themselves to offer direction, information and input concerning decisions that have to do with resource allocation. In hospital environments decisions that are concerned with staffing, salaries, and issues that have to do with the practice environment need to be under the jurisdiction of nurses. This is because in most instances, it is the nurses who use all these resources and facilities on a daily basis and so are more likely to recognize what is required. In addition, medical institutions that esteem diversity are more likely to view the nursing profession with considerable respect. In institutions where nurses are not valued, even though they are responsible for most of the tasks, the nursing staff usually has to labour to create strategic plans that uphold diversity and respect through leadership development (Tagney and Haines, 2009). The perceptions of the significance of nursing as a profession appears to vary across different medical organizations. For example, in medical centers whose aim is to develop cures or vaccines through comprehensive research programmes, nurses tend to feel left out and irrelevant. Moreover, in institutions where all activity is centered around patient care nurses tend to feel empowered, and that ther contributions are

Monday, August 26, 2019

Stephen Crane The Open Boat Speech or Presentation

Stephen Crane The Open Boat - Speech or Presentation Example The second, third, fourth and fifth paragraph introduces the reader to the cook, oiler, correspondent and captain, the crew members who are the primary and almost only characters of the story. Told objectively by an ominous narrator, it sets out through the innermost thoughts of the characters in relation to their surrounding and their fight for redemption. The beginning of the story gives off the danger the men are in as they are marooned in a dingy for a vessel as they continue to sail the hostile waters hoping that rescuers will find them soon. Even though the situation is such, there is still no sign of uncontrollable panic or trepidation amongst the men though there is that tinge of helplessness as they continue on with a plan to look for a refuge house or a lighthouse or any other boat that will save them. In part III, there remains a sense of brotherhood among them in the darkest of times which none of them was able to articulate. â€Å"They were a captain, an oiler, a cook, and a correspondent, and they were friends, friends in a more curiously iron-bound degree than may be common† (Crane 730). They shared in near-death an intimacy they would have never known in another circumstance. The first sign of infallible hope was a sight of land, described again in vivid colors, â€Å"From a black line it became a line of black and a line of white, trees and sand† (Crane 731).

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Types of Revisions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Types of Revisions - Assignment Example Focus/Organization: †¢ No, the essay does not stay on topic in some parts of the main body paragraphs. I would change the topic sentences so that they relate directly to the thesis sentence. †¢ The introduction could have been a little stronger so that it grabs the reader’s attention. If it could change it, I would add in a real world example that everyone could understand and relate to. †¢ The first body paragraph is about agriculture but I do not really mention it until the end of the paragraph. I could reorganize it so that this key information was at the beginning of the paragraph. †¢ The body paragraphs of the paper do not really flow to the next paragraph; some transition sentences could be used to better prepare the reader for what follows. Micro Revisions Sentences: †¢ No, there are some sentences that could be better structured so that the reader would understand better. The topic sentence for each body paragraph could be worded better to explain what the paragraph will contain. †¢ Sentences that start with â€Å"this† and â€Å"the† could be worded differently so that the sentences don’t become repetitive. †¢ I could change some sentences to be short for impact and make some sentences longer because they need to explain things in detail. It is a good thing to have sentences of varied length because it does not bore the reader. †¢ No, I do not really vary the noun-verb-object sequence, so I could change this. It can sometimes be hard to word sentences differently because it interrupts the flow, but I will try to change every sentence possible so that the sentences don’t become boring.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Acid Rain Part I Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Acid Rain Part I - Essay Example According to the Federal Monitoring Data report, Pennsylvania, since 1987, has been ranked as the first state that experiences an excess of the acidic rainfall. However, the level of acidity varies from place to place that are located in Pennsylvania. The highest acidic content in rainwater is found in Leading Ridge located in Huntingdon County. The average rainfall pH is 4.08. This particular pH value is considered to be 33 times more in concentration of acidity than the normal rain water that is unpolluted. Any value that is below the pH value of 7 is considered to be acidic. The lower the value the more the acidity of the rainwater. The normal rain water is considered to have an average pH value of 5.6 (Park, 2013). Lewistown Pennsylvania is therefore affected by the coal-fired power plants, large number of automobiles and factories that emit pollutants to the atmosphere. The resultant effect of these pollutants in the atmosphere therefore form acidic rain, fogs, snow and other particulate matter (Park,

Friday, August 23, 2019

The reason why celebrities famous 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The reason why celebrities famous 1 - Essay Example Previously, fame was only achieved by those from royal families like Prince Charles. Research also point out that, talent and heroism was also a way of achieving the top visibility. Captain Sully Sullenberger is one of the famous heroes admired globally for landing a plane safely on the river. Celebrities also become famous by regularly appearing in public. Talent and skills are to the main aspects that drive their fame to such people. Study reveals that such approach is known as attributed celebrity. Some of the people who have become famous using such approach are Paris Hilton. She has neither talent nor skills, but she is famous. They use social media, magazines and TV shows to spread any information about their life and so they become famous. Others who have been on the public eye earlier engage on activities that make them increase their visibility. David Beckham is a well-known celebrity who has increased his fame by participating on programs that make them more famous. However, some have tried to take shortcut or do something extraordinary to become famous. Study talks about a 6-year-old boy who was thought to have floated on air balloon. Later he was found inside the garage, the authorities realized it was makeup case to make the family famous. In conclusion, fame or attention is that entire human race is trying to achieve at all cost. In addition, the study reveals that previous aspects such as talent and skills are not the only ways of achieving fame. People have devised other ways such as gossiping on social

Thursday, August 22, 2019

US as a World Power Essay Example for Free

US as a World Power Essay In the 1890’s, the idea of imperialism had begun imprinting itself in American minds. Many Americans began to believe that the United States was either going to explode or expand. Our country had a new sense of power which was generated from the growth of our industry and wealth. There were Americans who had pushed the idea of imperialism through books and articles, calling it the adventures of childhood dreams. The first moments had begun with President Cleveland and his secretary of state James G. Blaine. Imperialism had come off as an idea that benefited the world but, the cold hard truth was that we were simply just benefiting ourselves. Our new international interests began in several ways. Blaine had pushed the Big Sister policy, with this policy we were able to get the Latin Americans to rally with Uncle Sam. This give off an impression that we want to help out the others, give them an idea of bond ship with the United States but in reality, what we truly wanted was their open markets and utilize them for ourselves. Document A shows how power-hungry we are, wanting â€Å"to show our strength† and wanting â€Å"the taste of Empire†. One of the first ways we showed off our new, violent, and power hungry status was in 1899 against Germany. The two nations had been bickering over the Samoan Islands. Luckily, this was resolved and no war broke out. Alaska, another area of issues that occurred between The U. S. and Canada. This fight was a more idealistic than self interest one though. The hostilities had begun with seal hunting which, the United States was against giving off their humanitarian ideology. Doc. B, provide an explanation of this by stating that â€Å"we cannot fly from our world duties†. Hawaii was another area of interest to America. It’s location was able to hold a naval and it was enriched with resources the nation could use. American planters were searching for ways to secure Hawaii’s annexation. The Queen of Hawaii was against this and believed that her natives should keep control. The whites then revolted and the U. S. rushed to annexation but, President Cleveland withdrew the idea. The majority of the Hawaiian natives were against the idea and the idea of annexation was temporarily abandoned. We didn’t want to give Hawaii freedom and they didnt want it either, we just wanted to have over their island. Doc. C provide a well example of this, â€Å"they like their own way† yet we act as â€Å"amongst them as ruler†, not giving them the freedom. Cuba was another moment in our imperialistic time, where it was idealism than self-interest, supposedly. The Cuban’s were trying to revolt against their leaders in 1895. America gave their sympathies to the Cubans but were largely worried about their investments in the land. Senator Lodge at the time even showed their self-interest ways, â€Å"whoever controlled Cuba controls the Gulf†. McKinley, President at the time, gave in and sent the war message to free Cuba. Proposing the lie called The Teller Amendment after Cuba America was free but, not entirely. The Cubans were forced to sign to the Platt Amendment which basically, set them still under American control. This situation proves right here wanted control, not their freedom. Doc. D proves this control with stating, That the United States owns them but, â€Å"it can not incorporate them as part of the United States†. In1901, Theodore Roosevelt had taken the reigns of the U. S.  He had his own form of foreign policy called the Big Stick. The Big Stick policy was extremely aggressive and was very built around self-interest. Imperialists applauded his every move. His first move was the Panama Canal. The Colombian senate rejected the American offer of 10 million which Roosevelt didnt take fondly. In order to build his canal , Roosevelt sponsored a revolt in Panama and gained the opportunity to construct it with a larger zone. This situation right here shows how The U. S. truly did all the imperialistic moves in order to support itself not the world.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

TC Boyles Style Essay Example for Free

TC Boyles Style Essay Style is a huge part of why authors sell their work. Their way of writing, the tone they set, and the mood create helps define their style. TC Boyle has a very unique style that draws readers in and places them into his world. Although dark, creepy and slightly morbid is his style, he has a huge fan-base. In an interview he stated that â€Å"It’s my universe, and by god they will suffer† (Grant A life in writing: TC Boyle). This reveals how he has that dark side to him, also his mind set when writing. This increases defining what his style is. He mainly reveals his very original way of writing though the mood and situations he makes his characters go through. To start off, a great example that shows this morbid and sinister style is in his short story about a terrible football team that lost 56 to 0. In this story, he depicts how broken and battered this team is. They are a joke, and yet he gives the illusion they are going to change when he puts his main character into a preacher like situation, where he talks his disheveled teammates into playing another game and encouraging them to win. He has this character say, â€Å"What are you a bunch of pussies? Afraid to get your uniforms dirty? Afraid of a little contact? What do you want – to live with fifty-six-to-nothing for the rest of your life? Huh? I don’t hear you!† He places this character into a positive attitude, just to tear it down by having the team loose the next game, which he just encouraged the entire team to participate in. This positive outlook was taken away when â€Å"†¦and Ray Arthur Larry-Pete Fontenot launched himself at the kicker like the space shuttle coming in for a landing, and suddenly – miracle of miracles! – He felt the hard cold pellet of the ball glancing off the bandaged nubs of his fingers.† And they lost the game and failed their last effort to not look so pathetic. It is beautifully written and encourages such an air of home but yet still has that sad ending and as the quote said, he made them suffer. Yes it is extremely entertaining, but still rather sad. Which brings me to the next example, which is provided in his story called Sinking House. A story about an old widow, whose late husband was abusive and horrid, who decides to drown her house. Boyle in this shows his style so well because then entire air and mood of the story is extremely somber and grey. Just picturing a house with an old lady all alone with water stricken floors and walls is extremely creepy. This story is a great example in explaining his style not only because of the entire situation and mood he sets, but puts  images into the readers mind about this woman and how her life was, it gives the reader something to connect with, and also takes the psycho nature of this woman away. One part she steps out of her house, away from the running water, and the flooding, into reality â€Å"In that pit of that dry silence she could hear him, Monty, treading the buckled floor, pouring himself another vodka, cursing her in a voice like sandpaper.† This opens the reader up to whole level of what she suffered through that in silence, she could still hear her husband verbally abusing her. The only solution was to have water running constantly, flooding her house, a sense of freedom. That imagery in my eyes is absolutely stunning. Making TC Boyle’s style even more brilliant. His little tricks and clever connections add to his originality and unique style. Lastly, going on a bout connections, in the TC Boyles story, Chicxulu. This story is about parents who are told their daughter is a car accident and she is dead, at the same time drawing a parallel to a meteor that will take out the whole world in a second. He wrote this story so honest, as in the reactions and actions of the characters are right on point, exactly how you would picture it. There is a scene when the father and mother first arrive in the ER, and the father begins to mentally criticize everyone in the room who are doing their job, just because he in panic. This is such a normal and almost expected reaction that people under stress go through, as much as they may not want to admit it, it is defiantly human nature. This aspect of his style makes it so easy to connect with and that connection, ads a whole extra level to his works. In the end, when they go in for identification, and see that it is not their daughter, they are so relieved, although someone they know is dead lying before them, they have such relief. Another very human reaction, also the fact that it is not their daughter plays off what he said in the interview. He made these poor people suffer so much thinking that their daughter was dead, yet the reader is so intrigued and drawn in. We might feel a little angry towards Boyle because he did this to these loving people, but that twist makes the story very entertaining. There are so many aspects to his style, levels and things that play off each other that weave so well together making it truly unique. He is an incredible writer whose style is one of a kind. Really delves into how people think about the world and hits most people in areas they don’t normally think about or want to think about. Although most, if not all are  on the dark side, that characteristic adds to his style. His writing makes people think, and it gives new perspectives on situations because they are not the typical out-look or the most common situations one would encounter. Overall he is just brilliant and his distinct style makes writing exciting and oh so entertaining.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Management and Leadership Principles Peter F Drucker

Management and Leadership Principles Peter F Drucker Introduction about Peter F Drucker Peter F Drucker, the father of modern management was a social commentator and preeminent business philosopher. Born on November 19, 1909, this management consultant wrote books and other scholarly articles, exploring the ways in which businesses; governments and the non-profit sectors of society get organized. His distinction between management and leadership has been a popular topic for debate for several years now. Leadership doing the right things Leadership acts as a tool in settling on the best course of action to take- what are the things that should be done to reach our targets? But according to Druckers philosophy, leadership is strong and successful when the leader thinks through questions like Of those things that would make a difference, which are right for me? By doing the right things, he meant that effective leadership is considering the companys mission, describing it and openly establishing it. It is a leaders job to set clear goals for the company and define the standards needed to be maintained while achieving the goals. Being aware that he is not in control of the universe, he has to make compromises. This, however, he does once he has thought of the right and the desirable. Drucker defines leadership as mundane, unromantic and boring. Its essence lies in performance. Effective leaders keep on checking their performance against the achievement of their goals. This practice helps them to analyse their choices and decide on what is important and needs immediate attention. It also assists them in identifying their strengths and recognizing their weaknesses. Regarding this, Drucker says: I have seen a great many people who are exceedingly good at execution, but exceedingly poor at picking the important things. They are magnificent at getting the unimportant things done. They have an impressive record of achievement on trivial matters. Setting the right kind of goals plays a significant role in developing a successful leader. It is of extreme importance to set realistic achievable goals which fit in with the overall mission, keeping in mind the external constraints such as political, economical, and financial and internal constraints such as the current resources available and the interpersonal issues. In accordance with this statement of his, lies the aspect of responsibility within leadership. Rank and privilege is not the core to leadership. It is, in fact, the sense of responsibility that the leader feels and exhibits that represents strong and reliable leadership. Hence, a successful leader is one who takes initiative to tackle a task and uses the given resources optimally to derive maximum benefit. Drucker claims Americas chief of army staff in World War II, General George Marshall, became a productive leader through responsibility and diligence. Such kinds of leaders do not fear the self-determined subordinates. Instead, they encourage their juniors, assisting them to reach their potential and accomplish all that they are capable of. Being ambitious for a leader is far smaller a risk than being mediocre. An effective leader is also aware of the consequence that organizations face in case of the leaders impeachment. In regard to this, Drucker rightly says: An effective leader knows that the ultimate task of leadership is to create human energies and human vision Drucker at one point stresses over the effectiveness that every leader is expected to possess. Be it in a government agency, a hospital, a business, a labour union, a university or army, a leader seems to bear high intelligence and imagination only seconds it. Yet he lacks the vital link between his effectiveness and his intelligence, imagination or knowledge. However, many leaders come in contact with the dangerous near successes traps which usually revolve around the mindset that one big push is all that is needed now. At such a stage, a leader should critically ask himself: When should I stop pouring resources into things that have achieved their purpose? This clearly shows that an essential leadership task is knowing when something has been used to its fullest, with maximum benefit derived. Once this is discovered, a good leader would know that now is the time to stop and move on to newer things because there are no more returns to be enjoyed. To this, Drucker claims to have advised his friend Rick Wareen, in these words: Dont tell me what youre doing, Rick. Tell me what you stopped doing. A successful leader also manages to earn the utmost trust of his followers. This does not necessarily mean that the followers are expected to like him and agree with him at every point. Instead, Drucker finds the reflection of it in the term integrity- followers should know that their leader means what he says. He should be a man of his words. Hence, leadership calls for congruency in beliefs, words and actions. And it should be consistent as he says: Effective leadership- and again this is very old wisdom-is not based on being clever; it is based primarily on being consistent. Management doing the things right Management as an institution has emerged rapidly and has had a huge impact so far. It has altered the social and economic structure of the developed countries. It has also impacted countries which participated in these economies as equal. Few executives recognize the tremendous force that management has. According to Drucker, management follows leadership. It involves doing what has been pointed out by the leader. It is not a bag of techniques and tricks. Neither is it a bundle of analytical tools such as those taught in business schools. Management, with its successes and problems, is rather based on a few basic principles: Management is about human beings. It is a critical, determining factor for organization which teaches people to perform with cooperation, capitalize on their strengths and ignore their weaknesses. Management is rooted in culture since it involves bringing people closer in a common venture. Finding parts of history, tradition and culture which can be used as the management elements is the basic challenge faced by the managers in developing countries. Commitment to common goals is essential for any enterprise to function successfully. Clear objectives defining a common vision is a prerequisite to its success. A manager is expected to think carefully and then set objectives, goals and the values to be demonstrated which he can later exemplify. Once the manager has identified a well rounded mission statement and goals and communicated it effectively at every level of the organization, there is a good chance that the venture will succeed. This is because all employees will have a sense of direction which will make them aim at a common objective. Growth and development of the enterprise and each of its members also results from management. Training and development should be established on all levels of institution. Communication and individual responsibility are the basis upon which any enterprise flourishes. All the people working in it, from different backgrounds and possessing different skills, should be working towards reaching a common aim, cooperating with each other simultaneously The quantity of output does not depict the performance of management and neither that of enterprise. It is in fact elements like market standing, innovation, productivity, development of people, quality and financial position which give a clear picture of the performance and survival of an enterprise. The enterprise is different with regard to its insides and outsides. The result only exists on the outside, which, for a business would be a satisfied customer. Lying on the insides of an enterprise are only its costs. Managers who understand these principles and adopt them in their course of action will develop into achieving managers. Thus by doing the right things, Drucker meant that a perfect manager is one who gets things done efficiently. Management has different dimensions to it and one of these is managing people. Drucker initially believed that there has to be one well defined way to manage people. But the work of Abraham H. Maslow in his book Eupsychian Management deeply influenced him and he became an immediate convert. Maslow had given enormous evidence about how different people should be managed in different ways. Argument Comparison It has been quite a fascinating debate as to whether leadership and management can co-exist. Other similar questions in this context are concerned with which of the two is more important. Evidence suggests that both are vital for any organization. And both can co-exist. In fact, the relationship between leadership and management can be described as being interdependent. By comprehending the difference between the two and sticking to their core structure, a leader and a manager together, can make the workplace much more productive. Stephen Covey demonstrates the difference between leadership and management by observing the pattern of functioning of a corporate leader. He spent most of his time managing day to day operations. To ensure maximum production, he worked with his managers, engaging with them. This was prior to learning about leadership. Once he got enlightened with the whole idea behind leadership, he quit taking care of the day-to-day operations. Instead, he explored the trends, examined data and began investigating ways for his company to remain competitive. In order to achieve this, he began setting strategic objectives for growth. As a result, corporate profits rose beyond 50% within a year, after years of sluggish pace at which the company grew. This example visibly shows how leadership diminished when the leader was trying to fill a managers place too. Once he established strong leadership with focus on the achievement of strategic objectives, his company further progressed. Thus, it verifies that management is all about assessing the strength and weaknesses of people and assigning them adequate tasks to reach the optimum output (efficiency) where as leadership involves defining the set of actions needed to finish off those tasks and provides the drive, creates the energy to remain focused (effectiveness). Drucker at one place said: Effectiveness (leadership) has to do with quality-the right direction; and efficiency (management) has to do with time. Conclusion To conclude, it is justified to say that both leadership and management are much more broad terms than perceived. Both are equally complex institutions, but nonetheless, essential for any organizations success. For an organization to succeed, it is vital that they find a balance between the two institutions, i.e leadership and management. This is because only if both the functions are effectively performed can a business operate in this competitive environment. Both are important jobs. While one gives the corporation a sense of purpose, the other provides it with the push in the right direction. Thus, Peter Drucker has accurately pointed out differences between the two and has given the professionals an insight to the fundamentals of an effective leadership and an efficient management system, which when coupled can lead a business to new heights of prosperity.

Identifying and Planning Resources Needed to Meet Management Goals Essa

Resources are an integral component of any successful organisation and a method of informing demand could be classified using a push or pull system. A push system would create a demand for its resource where as a pull system would create resources as a result of a demand, an example of a push system may be a car manufacturer creating a number of cars to a waiting list, where sales would influence the demand the product and resource needed as opposed to a pull system that would see sales driven by the amount of cars produced. The resource that can be identified in the organisation of this researcher, which is notably a further education learning establishment, can be described as a pull system where the curriculum offer is developed according to the number of learners interested and the demand of the local community. (Bailey P. et al, Procurement Principles and Management) Resources are integral to the performance of the organisation and although can be said to differ from other business areas such a manufacturing company; however the resources can be deemed equally essential. The objectives can be identified as providing a high level of education and service to the surrounding community and stakeholders; this can be achieved by utilising resources to their optimum potential. The resources of an FE college can be identified in the following categories of physical resources, labour resources and facilities. Physical resources are usually classed as materials, certainly in a manufacturing and would be categorised as raw, work in progress (WIP) or finished, however in a learning environment such as a college, physical resources would be classed as the materials needed dependant on the nature of course qualifications, this could inclu... ...the organisation would seek to identify potential disruption to supply, define a possible alternative solution and assess any further costs involved in seeking an alternative. In an organisation such as a college, a ‘Boston grid’ which is a method of determining a risk may be used to compare risk scores when seeking a new supplier or even used when looking to define new curriculum areas. A Boston grid is an analytical tool that can be used to define growth areas, curriculum development and project management. Works Cited Bailey P. et al, Procurement Principles and Management, 2008 Carter RJ. and Kirby SK. Practical Procurement, Cambridge Academic, 2006 Drucker. P. 2003. The Practice of Mangement, Oxford. Evans, D. 1995. Supervisory Management, Cassell, London. Gennard. J. & Judge. G. 2005, Chartered Institute and Development, London

Monday, August 19, 2019

Comparing Gothic Romanticism in The Fall of the House of Usher and Lige

Gothic Romanticism in The Fall of the House of Usher and Ligeia The Gothic style found in the majority of Edgar Allen Poe’s short stories is obvious to the average reader. The grotesque, the desolate, the horrible, the mysterious, the ghostly, and, ultimately, the intense fear are all the primary aspects of the stories which are emphasized. But few writers remain uninfluenced from their contemporaries and Poe is no exception. He is clearly a product of his time, which in terms of literature, is called the Romantic era. Poe combines these two threads in almost all of his stories. For this reason critics often call Poe’s style â€Å"Gothic Romanticism.† The two stories â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† and â€Å"Ligeia† are very similar to Poe’s other short stories, in that they to have this thread of Gothic Romanticism. The Gothic and Romantic themes can be analyzed separately in each of these two stories but together these themes drive the plot and the ultimate success of each. One common characteristic of Romanticism is the importance of the intuitive and emotional and the rejection of the rational and intellectual. Such is the case in â€Å"Usher.† Those who are skeptical of Poe’s Romantic influences would use this aspect of Romanticism to claim that he is not a Romantic because throughout the story the narrator attempts to explain the unexplainable with the rational. An example of this is when the narrator attributes an â€Å"iciness, a sinking, a sickening of the heart† merely to the â€Å"combination of very natural objects which have the power of thus affecting us† (Poe, â€Å"Usher†). This argument is week because the narrator fails miserably to provide solid rational explanations for these â€Å"strange† events and f... ...ic thread seek to further Poe’s overall goal of terror. Either they develop the character in such a way that would increase the gloomy, mysterious, and supernatural mood of the stories, establish the mood through the setting, or help to further this mood in some other way. The combination of the Romantic thread in these two stories is no different. Poe uses various aspects of Romanticism, such as obscurity and the emphasis of emotion and intuition to increase the terror felt by the reader. But perhaps, the most important aspect of Romanticism is one which is also common in the Gothic tradition is the emphasis on one effect. In the Gothic tradition this single effect is that of terror. â€Å"Ligeia† and â€Å"Usher† are no different in that Poe establishes this terror through the use of his own style of Gothic Romanticism. 2177 1 Marlow Engl. 12 Sect. 37 Comparing Gothic Romanticism in The Fall of the House of Usher and Lige Gothic Romanticism in The Fall of the House of Usher and Ligeia The Gothic style found in the majority of Edgar Allen Poe’s short stories is obvious to the average reader. The grotesque, the desolate, the horrible, the mysterious, the ghostly, and, ultimately, the intense fear are all the primary aspects of the stories which are emphasized. But few writers remain uninfluenced from their contemporaries and Poe is no exception. He is clearly a product of his time, which in terms of literature, is called the Romantic era. Poe combines these two threads in almost all of his stories. For this reason critics often call Poe’s style â€Å"Gothic Romanticism.† The two stories â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† and â€Å"Ligeia† are very similar to Poe’s other short stories, in that they to have this thread of Gothic Romanticism. The Gothic and Romantic themes can be analyzed separately in each of these two stories but together these themes drive the plot and the ultimate success of each. One common characteristic of Romanticism is the importance of the intuitive and emotional and the rejection of the rational and intellectual. Such is the case in â€Å"Usher.† Those who are skeptical of Poe’s Romantic influences would use this aspect of Romanticism to claim that he is not a Romantic because throughout the story the narrator attempts to explain the unexplainable with the rational. An example of this is when the narrator attributes an â€Å"iciness, a sinking, a sickening of the heart† merely to the â€Å"combination of very natural objects which have the power of thus affecting us† (Poe, â€Å"Usher†). This argument is week because the narrator fails miserably to provide solid rational explanations for these â€Å"strange† events and f... ...ic thread seek to further Poe’s overall goal of terror. Either they develop the character in such a way that would increase the gloomy, mysterious, and supernatural mood of the stories, establish the mood through the setting, or help to further this mood in some other way. The combination of the Romantic thread in these two stories is no different. Poe uses various aspects of Romanticism, such as obscurity and the emphasis of emotion and intuition to increase the terror felt by the reader. But perhaps, the most important aspect of Romanticism is one which is also common in the Gothic tradition is the emphasis on one effect. In the Gothic tradition this single effect is that of terror. â€Å"Ligeia† and â€Å"Usher† are no different in that Poe establishes this terror through the use of his own style of Gothic Romanticism. 2177 1 Marlow Engl. 12 Sect. 37

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Women in the Progressive Era Essay -- American History

In the 1890s, American women emerged as a major force for social reform. Millions joined civic organizations and extended their roles from domestic duties to concerns about their communities and environments. These years, between 1890 and 1920, were a time of many social changes that later became known as the Progressive Era. In this time era, millions of Americans organized associations to come up with solutions to the many problems that society was facing, and many of these problems were staring American women right in the face. Women began to speak out against the laws that were deliberately set against them. Throughout this time period, women were denied the right to vote in all federal and most state held elections. Women struggled to achieve equality; equality as citizens, equality in the work place, and equality at home. During this time, Americans worked to fight corruption in government, reduce the power of big business, and improve society as a whole. Just as the Irish wanted good work and the farmers wanted a good banking system, women wanted equality. Women and women's organizations worked for various rights for different groups of people. They not only worked to gain the right to vote, they also worked for political equality and for social reforms. But how did this all start to happen? It didn’t happen overnight, and it wasn’t a one-person battle. Women wanted the same rights as men already had. But they didn’t just stop there, women played a major role in the rise of the child labor laws, stood up for minorities, and they wanted prostitution to end. Most people who opposed woman suffrage believed that women were less intelligent and less able to make political decisions than men were. Opponents argued th... ... â€Å"75 Suffragists.† Women’s Studies.(29 October 2003). Berkeley, Kathleen C. The Women’s Liberation Movement in America. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1999. Frankel, Voralee and Nancy Schrom Dye. Gender. Class, Race, and Reform in the Progressive Era. Lexington, Kentucky: University Press of Kentucky, 1991. Freeman, Julie. The Progressive Era. 11 February 2002. (04 November 2003). Kerber, Linda K., Alice Kessler-Hessler and Kathryn Kish Sklar. US History as Women’s History. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1995. â€Å"Living the Legacy: The Women's Rights Movement 1848 - 1998." The National Women's History Project. 1997. (30 October 2003). Muncy, Dr. Robyn. Women in the Progressive Era. 30 March 2003. (04 November 2003). Schneider, Dorothy. American Women in the Progressive Era 1900-1920. New York: Facts on File, 1993.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Identity and the Life Cycle

In Erikson’s famous book, Identity and the Life Cycle, the author takes a close look at the development of the human personality across time, focusing on elements of human development as they relate to the psychosocial sphere of study. The three sections of this book are three famous writings from Erikson, entitled, Ego Development and Historical Change, Growth and Crises of the Healthy Personality, and The Problem of Ego Identity.The first section, Ego Development and Historical Change, deals with the idea that the ego is a present yet also ever evolving part of humanity, that the ego shifts within the personality, surfacing healthily in times of wellness and separating the person from the leader led mob, balanced out between the super ego and the id, one might say.Into the second part of the book, Growth and Crisis of the Healthy Personality, the reader gets a better idea of what Erikson means when he speaks about psychological and social interactions and milestones, develop mental levels, which arise as the organism of the human person blossoms and changes naturally through various stages from conception until death. In the final pages of the book, the last paper, entitled, The Problem of Ego Identity, Erikson delves deeper into the meaning of human psychosocial development as it relates to both biological development as well as modern society.Here he asks the burning question, do we prepare ourselves as human beings for the life cycles which we experience? A look at modern society shows the pitfalls for people who are not developed in mind, spirit, and body together and how people would benefit from being socially, cognitively, and physically adept at certain life stages, primarily at the transition from adolescence to adulthood. References Erikson, E. (1980). Identity and the Life Cycle. W. W. Norton & Company.

Friday, August 16, 2019

“A Stranger in the Village” by Baldwin

â€Å"Stranger in the Village† by James Baldwin is about author’s experience in a small village situated in Switzerland. Baldwin writes that he is black and because of his race he villagers find him different and, thus, fascinating. He says that villagers have never seen a black man: â€Å"†¦from all available evidence no black man had ever set foot†.Therefore, they are curious about his color of a skin and it is interesting for them to find out whether black man can ever rub off. Baldwin admits that small children are afraid of him because a black man for them was something similar to devil. Actually, Baldwin is treated as an exotic rarity, though Baldwin thinks that the difference between whites and blacks doesn’t exist in American society. He doesn’t want to be regarded as rarity; instead he wants to be treated equally as human being.The author often refers to emotions when writing about conflicts which appear in the Swiss village. In partic ular, these emotions are outrage and astonishment.In such a way, the author in his essay contrasts his experience of being a black man offering an insightful critique of the history of American race relations: â€Å"What one’s imagination makes of other people is dictated, of course, by the laws of one's own personality and it is one of the ironies of black-white relations that, by means of what the white man imagines the black man to be, the black man is enabled to know who the white man is†.The author says that an air of racism will be always present in society, because he was called â€Å"le sale negre† behind his back. Furthermore, he was accused of stealing wood. Because of such treatment, Baldwin feels undeniable rage toward the villagers.Misconception of his complexion leads to misconception of his human credibility and results in perceiving as a â€Å"living wonder†.   Despite the fact that people try to eliminate racism in American society, rac ial discrimination is still alive in smaller towns and villages. He concludes that no one enjoys being considered an alien.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Walton Hi Tech industries Ltd: Overview of the Organization Structure

The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the organization structure, and the goals and objectives of the chosen company and see how that structure plays a part in the formulation of strategies which aid to achieve those goals and objectives.1.1 IntroductionThe organization that has been chosen for this report is Walton Hi Tech industries Ltd( Walton HIL). Walton is a Bangladeshi manufacturing industry that specializes in the production of smartphones, home appliances, LED television sets, Generators, microwave ovens, refrigerators, cooking utilities, air conditioners, Dvd players, and motorcycles for the local Bangladeshi market, as well as the south Asian market. The company has a strong research and development division and the latest manufacturing techniques and equipment for which, the products are of a high quality, but also at a very competitive price point.1.2 Organization goals and objectives of WaltonThe ultimate goal of Walton HIL Ltd is to take its place amo ng the top consumer electronics, Automobile, and home appliance industries in the world by 2015. Previously, it had been thought that consumer products made in Bangladesh cannot be of a quality that is good. Walton has made tremendous efforts to make sure that this type of a perception could be scrapped from the minds of people, thereby giving them confidence in their products. The  following are the objectives of Walton HIL Ltd:To push the boundaries of innovation and to shape the future- foster creativity to turn people’s imaginations into reality and envision technologies that are one step further. To enhance the company value and open up new business opportunities- Walton strives to build a strong brand name image both in the local market and the International market. The profitable growth that it sustains makes the company a prime investment for shareholders.Empowering the people in the organization to achieve world class performance- Walton considers its people as the core of the organization and its competitive advantage. Respect towards the employees and open communication ensures that they give their best efforts and work hard to achieve excellence. To enter into the U.S and E.U market by 2015- Walton aims to expand its reach into the U.S and E.U markets by creating international brands that get a maximum price in those markets. 1.3 Organization structure of Walton:From the information I gathered from the website of the company, it is evident that Walton has a product based organization structure. The Company’s efforts are centered around its main products, and extending their reach to other markets abroad. Employees from departments like Sales, Marketing, Finance, operations, and so on, report to the vice president supervising the production of a specific product. For example, the finance, operation, marketing, and sales departments reporting to the vice president handling the production of Motorcycles.All the vice presidents handling the operations of each product line will report directly to the CEO of the company. This type of organization structure has some advantages, as well as some disadvantages. The Advantages are: More focus on products and customers- the focus on products and customers ensures that quality products are made, which deliver satisfaction to the customers It is easier to evaluate the performance of the product.Product responsiveness to market changes from time to time. So it is possible to know whether the product has been successful in the market or not. There is less of a burden on the CEO, to make operating decisions. The disadvantages of this type of structure are:There may be limitations on the economies of scale achieved as, companies with such an organization structure may not have yet expanded to other major potential international markets such as, Europe and America. There tends to be multiple product groups. So it may be difficult to choose between those groups. Conflicts can ari se between the product groups and the corporate objectives.1.4 How the Organization structure of Walton helps to formulate strategiesFormulating corporate strategies for a company requires analyzing the industry or environmental conditions in which the company operates. Assessing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a company is also important. The proper analysis of these factors will greatly determine whether the strategies formulated will be successful or not. The product based organization structure of Walton means that greater emphasis is given on the products of the company, and customer satisfaction.So therefore, the structure will tend to fuel the need for more research and development and analysis which will give the company a competitive advantage over its rivals. In order to do so, a company has to either differentiate its products from the competition and set a premium price justifying the ‘uniqueness’ of the products, or offer products a t a low and attractive price that still meets the quality standards. Walton primarily aims to offer products at a reasonable price point that are of a high quality.So the tendency to put the customer’s needs and requirements at a top priority helps the company design and manufacture products that not only has high demand in the local market, but also maintains a high amount of export value in foreign countries. A SWOT analysis of Walton can illustrate the competitive advantages or disadvantages that are present within the company, and furthermore examine how the objectives can be achieved.The strengths of the company are: Walton is the only company in Bangladesh that diversifies production in multiple industries. Other local competitors of Walton only concentrate production on mainly smartphones and mobile phones. Walton has achieved various stringent quality standards certificates, which puts the company above the competition in terms of quality control.The Smartphonesmanufa ctured by Walton carry a price that is very competitive and at the same time offers a wealth of features. So they can compete quite well with even some of the biggest players in the mobile phone industry, just because of the price point. Walton has the latest machines and testing equipment in its production plant, including 3D printers, which allows rapid prototype models to be made. The weaknesses of Walton are:There may be too many products for the company to manufacture. While Walton manufactures the latest LED television sets, they are also producing the old CRT television sets which basically is almost phased out, and in not much demand. Walton may be a bit too late in considering to step into the pc market as, it is already saturated with lots of chinese pc makers and other premium pc manufacturers which may prove to be quite some tough competition to deal with. The opportunities of Walton are:Walton has a clear chance and opportunity to enter into the E.U and U.S markets by 2 015. Those are very potential markets for Walton which can increase their export revenue by a mile. If Walton can shift production from motorcycles to cars, it could open up yet another huge potential market for the company. An entry level smartphone can be manufactured by the company to increase the sales of the Walton Primo brand.The following are the threats of Walton:Increasing pressure from other competitors, particularly the Indian motorbike manufacturers like Bajaj, and Hero Honda, who are leading the motorbike industry. Walton still hasn’t built up a brand image for their LED television sets. So consumers may tend to purchase a regular LED TV from another renowned brand like Samsung, instead of the smart TV sets of Walton at a cheaper price. Chinese smartphone maker Huawei has started to supply their windows powered handsets in collaboration with Rangs in Bangladesh. They could eventually capture a significant market share in Bangladesh before Walton. So Huawei is a t hreat to Walton.From the SWOT analysis that has been carried out, it is evident that achieving the objectives of the company is not so simple as it seems. While Walton has already created a brand value among its customers, they still have a long way to go. If they can enter the E.U and U.S market, the company will have a great chance to solidify their brand image and strengthen the company name. As mentioned earlier, Walton has a product based organizational structure. Now in this type of structure, the vice presidents all report to the CEO.And since the vice presidents co-ordinate the operation of the departments such as accounts, finance, HR, and so on, these departments work smoothly, as there is no delay in decision making. The burden of decision making to the CEO is thus lessened. The Product based structure is all about the products of the company. so therefore the performance of the product in the market is quite important. The structure will force the company to undergo rese arch and development into the latest products, so that the company can increase their profits. In terms of expansion into other potential markets of the company, the product structure keeps the company performing at their level best to improve upon the current line of products, and come up with new products.The threats, and weaknesses of the company may play a part in creating a barrier to achieving some of the objectives of the company. For example, if Walton wants to expand into the E.U and U.S market, they have to export their smartphones. In this case, one question that would come into play is, how saturated is the E.U and U.S markets with chinese handset manufacturers? This question will help the company take into account the competition it will be facing and market the product accordingly so it has an edge over the competition. So the threats and weaknesses create a barrier, but the structure helps to formulate the strategies in such a way that the barriers can be overcome.1.5 Recommendation:The organization structure of Walton helps to bring out new products through research, and helps to formulate strategies to achieve goals and objectives. One of the objectives of the company states that by 2015 it will expand into the U.S and E.U markets. After expanding into those markets, the product based organization structure may hold the company back. So then there may be a need for a change in organization structure of Walton as, the company will have to ship products to different geographic regions. So a geographical/regional organization structure might be more suitable for  Walton at that point. A geographical organization structure means that the regional department/headquarters is situated in each region. So all the operations can be carried out locally in that region.1.6 Conclusion:Walton’s organization structure fuels its need for better research into products. Walton has a bright future ahead, with the visions planned. The company has plans to expand into other markets such as the computer market. Not only that, Walton also envisions supplying the local market with their own motorcycles, and therefore attempt to curb the imports of motorcycles to Bangladesh. The company is doing its best to make sure its future plans are successful and indeed come out as one one of the top electronics company among the world in the year 2015.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Marketing Packaging and Labeling Essay

Packaging and Labeling What you’ll learn . . . †¢ The principal functions of product packaging †¢ The main functions of labels Packaging †¢ The physical container or wrapping for a product. Functions of Packaging †¢ Promoting and Selling the Product Functions of Packaging †¢ Defining Product Identity – invokes prestige, convenience, or status Functions of Packaging †¢ Provides Information – UPC symbols, contents, guarantees, nutritional value, potential hazards Functions of Packaging †¢ Meeting Customer Needs – various sizes, snack kits, etc. Functions of Packaging †¢ Ensuring Safe Use – plastic instead of glass, tamperresistant packaging, blisterpacks, childproof containers To read about the Tylenol murders in 1982, and the resulting invention of the tamperproof package, click on the Tylenol box above. Functions of Packaging †¢ Protecting the Product – during shipping, storage, and display. Protects food from spoilage. Helps prevent shoplifting Contemporary Packaging Issues †¢ Aseptic Packaging – Incorporates a technology that keeps foods fresh without refrigeration for extended periods Contemporary Packaging Issues †¢ Environmental Packaging – reusable, recyclable, less wasteful, and safer for the environment Contemporary Packaging Issues †¢ Cause Packaging – to promote non-product issues such as social and political causes Ex: Body Shop, Ben & Jerry’s Click on the ice cream carton to learn about cause packaging at Ben and Jerry’s Labeling †¢ A label is an information tag, wrapper, seal, or imprinted message attached to a product A labels main function is to inform about contents and give directions Brand Label – gives the brand name, etc. Descriptive Label †¢ Information about product use, care, other features Grade Label †¢ States the quality – AA, A, B Labeling Laws †¢ Many package labels must meet local, state, and federal standards †¢ FDA – Federal Food and Drug Administration – requires nutritional info, regulates health claims and defines descriptive terms such as â€Å"light,† â€Å"free,† â€Å"low,† and â€Å"reduced† to make them consistent on all products †¢ FTC – Federal Trade Commission – monitors for deceptive advertising that is false or misleading, including guidelines for environmental claims like â€Å"recycled† or â€Å"biodegradable.†